Stories Chronologically

Through Interzone Jul/Aug 1989
Well-Loved Interzone March/April 1990
Pulphouse Sept/Oct 1992
Interzone 5th Anthology
1/72nd Scale Weird Tales Fall 1990
Best New Horror 2
Nebula Awards 26
Giant Book of Best New Horror (ed. Jones 1993)
Best of Weird Tales
Past Magic Interzone Sep-90
Best New SF 8
Clones (ed. Dann & Dozois)
Living in Sin Amazing Jan-91
Green Asimov’s Mid Dec 1990
Best Fantasy and Horror 4
Marnie Asimov’s May-91
Best New SF 9
The Giving Mouth Asimov’s Mar-91
Steampunk, ed. Jeff & Ann VanderMeer, Tachyon, 2008
The Family Football Interzone Nov-91
Best of Interzone
Weird Tales Spring 1999 

Stories of Hope and Wonder, ed Ian Whates NewCon Press 2020

The Perfect Stranger F&SF Dec-91
Snodgrass In Dreams (Gollancz ed McAuley/Newman)
Best New SF 10
Best New Horror 4
Giant Book of Terror
Grownups Asimov’s Jun-92
Best New SF 10
Isaac Asimov’s Skin Deep
Flying Cups and Saucers
Returning Interzone Oct-92
Pirate Writings Spring 1995
Papa Asimov’s Oct-93
Best New SF 11
Isaac Asimov’s Father’s Day
The Dead Orchards Weird Tales Spring 1994
Best New Horror 6
James Goddard, 2006 (a limited edition of 30 copies)
Sealight F&SF May-94
Tirkiluk F&SF Feb-95
Best New Horror 7 ed Jones
Ellen O’Hara Asimov’s Feb-95
The Noonday Pool F&SF May-95
Starship Day Asimov’s Jul-95
Best New SF 13
Verglas F&SF Oct/Nov-96
Nina-With-The-Sky-In-Her-Hair F&SF Dec-95
Swimmers Beneath the Skin Asimov’s Oct/Nov-96
The Roads Asimov’s Apr-97
James Goddard, 2005 (limited edition of 30 copies)
The Golden Keeper Asimov’s Oct/Nov-97
Eternal Lovecraft ed Turner
Isaac Asimov’s Halloween
Nevermore Dying For It ed Dozois
Best New SF 15
Asimov’s Jul-98
Supermen ed Dozois
Beyond Flesh ed Dozois
Home Time F&SF Feb-98
The Summer Isles (winner of the World Fantasy Award)
Asimov’s Oct/Nov-98
Best New SF 16
The Chop Girl (winner of the World Fantasy Award)
Asimov’s Dec-99
Best Fantasy and Horror 13 ed. Datlow
Two Sleepers Century #6 2000
Chitty Bang Bang Asimov’s Jun 2000
New Light on The Drake Equation e-zine SciFiction May 02 2001
Best New SF 19
The Best of the Best, Volume 2: Twenty Years of the Best Short Science Fiction Novels, ed. Dozois
Isabel of the Fall Interzone #169 2001
Best New SF 19
Breathmoss Asimov’s, May 2002
Science Fiction Best of 2002
Best New SF 20
Best of the Best ed. Dozois
The Mammoth Book of the Best of the Best New SF ed. Dozois
Taking Good Care of Myself Nature Magazine, 4 May 2006, Vol 441, issue 7089
Year’s Best SF 12 edited by Hartwell and Cramer, Eos, 2007
Futures From Nature : 100 Speculative Fictions, ed. Henry Gee
The Bonny Boy Original story in collection Past Magic, PS Publishing, 2006
The Master Miller’s Tale The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May 2007
Fantasy: The Best of the Year, 2008 Edition, ed. Rich Horton
On the Sighting of Other Islands Celebration ed. Ian Whates (Newcon Press, March 2008)
The Hob Carpet Asimov’s, June 2008
Elementals Extraordinary Engines, ed. Nick Gevers (Solaris, October 2008)
The English Mutiny Asimov’s October/November 2008
The Mammoth Book of Alternate Histories, ed. Ian Watson & Ian Whates, Robinson, 2010
The Camping Wainwrights Postscripts, Winter 2008
The Years’s Best Horror, 2009 edited by Stephen Jones
Topping Off the Spire In Topping Off the Spire , 2008
Second Journey of the Magus In Subterranean Online, Winter 2010
Re-Crossing the Styx F & SF, July/August 2010
The Crane Method Subterranean Magazine, Spring 2011
Hector Douglas Makes a Sale  Hector Douglas Makes a Sale, PS Publishing, 2011 (promotional booklet)
The Cold Step Beyond Asimov’s, June 2011
Tumbling Nancy Subterranean, Summer 2012
The Réparateur of Strasbourg Chapbook, PS Publishing, 2013
The Discovered Country Asimov’s, September 2013    

The Year’s Best SF and Fantasy, edited by Rich Horton

The Year’s Best SF 35th Edition, edited by Gardner Dozois

Entangled Asimov’s, December 2013    

The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year, edited by Jonathan Strathan

The Year’s Best SF 35th Edition, edited by Gardner Dozois

The Traveller and the Book Subterranean, Spring 2014
The Howl (with Martin Sketchley) Solaris Rising 3, edited by Ian Whates
Frost on Glass from Frost on Glass (title novella in a short story collection), Ian R MacLeod
Letter to Will Six Stories, West Midlands Writers’ Network, 2014
The Visitor from Taured Asimov’s, September 2016    

The Best Science fiction and Fantasy of the Year, edited by Jonathan Strahan

The Best Science Fiction of the Year, edited by Neil Clarke

The Year’s Best Science Fiction 34th Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois

The Wisdom of the Group Asimov’s, March/April 2017    


The Fall of the House of Kepler    


Extrasolar, edited by Nick Gevers, PS Publishing 2017    


Ourobrous 2001: An Odyssey in Words, edited by Tom Hunter & Ian Whates, Newcon Press 2018
 Ephemera  Asimov’s, July/August 2018
The Memory Artist First published in Chinese by Future Affairs Administration. Republished in English, Asimov’s May/June 2019
Selkie First published in Alternate Peace, edited by Joshua Palmatier and Steven H Silver, ZNB Books, 2019.
The Mrs Innocents Asimov’s May/June 2020
Lamagica First published in Subterranean: Tales of Dark Fantasy 3, edited by William Schafer, Subterranean Press 2020
Sin Eater First published in Made to Order, edited by Jonathan Strahan, Solaris Books, 2020